Piano Scores


Snow on Snow: Piano Settings

This piano score collection, as a perfect companion to the CD, provides eleven meditative arrangements crafted to help believers pray and engage in the hope that illuminates the season of Advent. Whether you're looking for joyful preludes, reflective offertories, or collaborative music for sacred rituals, these hymns, carols, and original songs will set the mood for prayer and contemplation. Titles include: Angels Keeping/We Gather Together; A Thankful Heart; Away in a Manger; Beautiful Savior; Coventry Carol; For the Beauty of the Earth; Gentle Moonlight, Christmas Morn; Joy in My Soul; O Little Town of Bethlehem; Silent Night, Holy Night!; and Snow on Snow/In the Bleak Midwinter. The piano score is published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Difficulty: Easy - Medium


Here I am Lord: Piano Stylings

Anne Marie David's straightforward, creative, impressionistic style is on display in this volume. Including popular melodies of faith such as "Sing A New Church", "Beautiful Savior", and the namesake of this collection, "Here I am Lord". The piano score is published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Difficulty: Medium - Difficult

Anne Marie’s “Here I Am, Lord” piano book is always on a piano or in my music bag since I use it so frequently. I love the fullness of Anne Marie’s arrangements and the freshness she adds to some of our treasured Catholic hymnody! There are several wonderful pieces I use for preludes, meditative moments, and postludes. My personal favorite is the title piece “Here I Am, Lord”. - Kathy D’Agostino, Retired Music Director, Orlando FL


The First Morning: Piano Solos

Anne Marie David provides a beautiful collection of soulful improvisations in this volume that includes 11 original pieces as well as new arrangements of "Morning Has Broken" and "I Danced in the Morning". The piano score is published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Difficulty: Medium - Difficult


Open Wide the Door: SATB Choir, Keyboard and Guitar

Whether to gather congregants in church or on retreat, “Open Wide the Door” is a beautiful way to enter sung prayer. From Anne Marie’s album “Peace Be With You”, this song of justice is also available as a Lenten Gathering Rite.